Its not easy
Its not easy getting lost in a world with so much technology and cameras that can follow you where ever you are, where ever you will be, have been. Its not easy being there when its hard leaving here with so much baggage to carry with you. Its not easy carrying baggage that you don't want or feel that belongs with you, but its there because no one goes through life baggage free. Its not easy being free when you have the your problems shackled to you and you refuse to find the key, and set yourself free. No its not easy trying to set yourself free when your to weak being in distress waiting for your rescue crew. Its not easy waiting for your rescue crew when you don't have the patience to allow them to help. Its not easy letting people help you when you can be so stubborn and try to fix the impossible on your own. Its not easy being on your own, especially when your in a crowd full of people you don't know. Nothing is easy but its not easy realizing all of that before its to late to be you own hero and not your own enemy. But dont forget that being your own biggest enemy is all too easy to be.
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