My Scars
My scars are from the past
Scratched up so bad
It will always seem to last
Why can’t these wounds just heal?
I wake up each day wondering
Sometimes when I am only I pick at them
Wondering if they still feel the same
I can’t feel anything from them now
But to look at them each day hurts the same
But only if tomorrow could be the last day that I see them
Let it be over again
Don’t let this go to far
I just want the past to not look so cruel
In my present I make haste
To prevent the future from looking the same
Only again tomorrow never comes
Its with in me to make it go away
And so cocoa butter could really do the job
But I like holding onto my anger
Gives me a reason to treat you the way you are
But if I live to see another day
I swear this is true
I will start rubbing the butter in today
To make it go away
Cause a life is impossible to find
When things cant be left behind
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