TIme to be real

To often people choose to be fake
And what I mean by that
Is they are not being true
True to who they really are
They adapt to others
And change for them
But is it all worth it
I don't think so
At the end of the day
You got to live for yourself
 Cause what have those people done for you
You should not have to change for anyone
Be comfortable;e in your skin
Be happy in you life
And love yourself
Stay strong
No apologies for your existence
No sorrows for being born
Your here for a reason
Like so many of us
And you should have fun in your life
Exploring all of that
Dance like no one is around
Laugh like its your last
Live for every moment
Cause when you look back
You can say you lived for you
Your happy with you
It sucks knowing you did some thing
Based off of someone else opinion
Why should we all be the same?
Why should we all do the same?
When did it become cool to hang with the group?
When did being different become overrated?
Well its not
Be different
God made us all different for a reason
He thought sameness was overrated
I know it is
Being by yourself can be so peaceful
Doing your own thing can be so awesome
So I say
Be different
Be loved
Be happy
Because now is the time
Time to be real to yourself and just....live


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